Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Outdoor Fun

First of all I don't know who gave her this outfit but I love it, she looks so cute in it. Almost everyday when I pick Addison up she throws a fit, I am sure it is just a phase or she is trying to make Ms. Jay (daycare lady) feel good because she has such a good time there that she screams and cries and won't come to me (oh and yes on the rare occassions Jimmy gets her, she goes to him no problem) but aside from that as soon as we hit the road to come home she is perfectly fine. Then we get home and we have started having our outside time as soon as we get home which is a lot of fun since we have such an enormous yard. So we play peek a boo and hide and seek.
She loves the trees, has learned to steer clear of the rose bush. This is actually her patting her tummy to tell me she is hungry, it is the cutest thing. She does have some new words she has perfected: No, More, Moooom, (hmmm maybe I should not have put them in that order) and a couple bad habits I will not point fingers but she throws things, hits things (favorite item to hit is me), and does the limp back where she almost falls out of your hands.

But the rewarding items is she blows kisses, gives hugs (especially after she hits me) says Thank you and is working on Sorry. She is still my lil angel and I love her to pieces she is just growing up so fast, I would like it to slow down.

Look the picture is blurry because she is running so fast in her kicks (sneakers)
Ahhhh yes, the reason a big yard is great... to tire her out so she sleeps like a log.
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